CYCLE 2023: Meal Prep Low Cal course


In addition to planning what we are going to eat each day by choosing recipes with low-calorie foods, during the course we will try to offer practical tips to have an organized weekly diet.

Preparing complete preparations or parts of them besides keeping them in the fridge or freezer will help us get closer to our goal and require little time for the final daily preparation.

Professionals in charge of the Department of Nutrition and Diet Therapy.


MORNING: Thursday 16th and 23rd of November 

FROM: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Professional in charge: Lic. Nut. Maren Torheim.

Zoom modality



Exclusive program for Hospital Scheme members.

Calendar subject to modifications.


Health Education Department | Tel: 24871020 ext. 4345 |  

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